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Polish Day in Brussels 2022-2023

Polish Day in Brussels is a flagship project of the Help Centre Belgium and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels. It was proposed to us in mid-February 2022, during our organization's activities for the Action to Support Ukraine. The first edition took place on May 8, 2022, and was a significant success for the image of the Polish community in Belgium. Many Polish organizations, schools, and offices participated in it.

In 2023, with the second edition of the event, we gathered a massive audience and expanded our activities on a territory twice as large, including the participation of 15 Polish provinces. As a non-governmental organization, we are responsible for the full planning of the event on-site (stage, facilities, contracts with the performers, construction installation, power supply, cleaning, building the Polish Day village, etc.). We handle official permits, communication with the police and fire brigade, provide medical assistance, and most importantly, coordinate the efforts of volunteers to ensure the safety and comfort of all attendees and partners.
We undergo training with the support of other organizations prior to the event.

In 2023, the first aid training in Brussels was conducted by the Peaceful Patrol, which is the volunteer group of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, serving as a support team for the Pol'and'Rock Festival.

Why would an organization that provides assistance participate in such an event?

Activities during crisis situations do not occur every day; they are spontaneous and uncommon. Between such unfortunate events, we undergo training. This allows us to practically manage crowds, handle crisis situations, foster team integration, and learn to directly engage with the community.
This learning is utilized during challenging moments, aiding us in swiftly activating necessary actions.

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